On July 12th, I had the chance to give an introductory workshop about Emerging Technologies based on Gartner’s Hype Cycle, amongst others Virtual Reality usecases in combination with Child Education and Language Learning at Pädagogische Hochschule; University of Education in Heidelberg, Germany. Together with students from various semesters (mostly Bachelor), I tried to elaborate differences and potentials in regards to pedagogical applications with a scientific background.
The Workshop „Visual Literacy in the English as a Foreign Language Classroom“ was hosted by Prof. Dr. Jutta Rymarczyk, one of the most renowned experts in this field of research. My part was to support with some technological background and „Can’s or Can’t’s“ – what some technologies are really capable of and what is still futuristic promises. The students were really surprised about the chances and possibilities and were actually 50/50 between optimism and scepticism.
In a nutshell I had a great time and hope to come back again soon!