More than three and a half years ago, when I moved to Cologne, I wanted to make a difference as a volunteer and came across the KRF KinderRechteForum gGmbH. Their founder Üwen asked me if I would like to conceptualize and develop an already emerging idea of a „digital project“.
Fast forward, almost 3 years later, I became a shareholder of the organization in the meantime, we had to witness a global crisis in which especially children suffered. Suffered hard. For almost half a year now I am the managing director with Üwen, we have a great team around us and I was able to integrate a bunch of friends and dearest people from my network more and more into the world of the #KRF.
And today we launch the project we drew on the white paper back then: – Germany’s first digital ombudsman office for children’s rights. A central platform that helps children and young people with all their problems and is always there when children’s rights are violated. Confidential, free of charge and nationwide – accessible via all channels! Have a look around, get informed & share:
Thanks to the sponsors of this vision, the Deutsche Stiftung für Engagement und Ehrenamt and AUF!leben – Zukunft ist jetzt. a program of the Deutsche Kinder- und Jugendstiftung GmbH, funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth. The program is part of the German government’s action program Catching Up to Corona.